Safe Autonomy

Welcome to the safe-autonomy mailing list

Dear Robotics Researchers,

Welcome to the moderated safe-autonomy mailing list This is a fully moderated mailing list for robotics researchers who specialize in or are interested in the topic of safe autonomy. This list will only provide announcements (e.g. workshops, tutorials, seminars) on the topic related to safe autonomy. 

How to subscribe to the mailing list?

You can subscribe to the mailing list here: 

How to pose a message to the mailing list?

We follow the template used by 

To post a message (in English) to the mailing list send an email to with subject: "[Topic]: Your_subject"

[Topic] should be one of the following ones: [Jobs], [Meetings], [Software], [Journals], [News]

You can post messages at any time (you need to be subscribed). The moderator will review and approve them.

This list is created and moderated by